Connecting An American Sunrise to Circe 

This November marked my second year working for the Big Read Lakeshore. As a future teacher, the Big Read and Little Read Lakeshore programming has taught me a lot about the importance of reading and what it means to read in community. My first year working with the Big Read program and reading An American …

Reflections on The Big Read 2021

It is the final Monday of 2021, so here are a few reflections on the Big Read 2021. Our 2021 program focused on Joy Harjo’s An American Sunrise and our Little Read book was Fry Bread: A Native American Family Story by Kevin Noble Maillard. Through our partnerships, we were able to host lectures, discussions, …

Reflections on An American Sunrise

Our 2021 Big Read Lakeshore programming has come to an end. Even though our events are over, we hope that the discussions are only just beginning about An American Sunrise and the themes within this collection of poetry.  Joy Harjo’s poem “An American Sunrise” reminds us of the fact that even though something has ended, …

The Thanksgiving Story

As Thanksgiving approaches this week and as our Big Read program comes to an end, we want to share some suggestions and reflections on the first “Thanksgiving Story” that we often hear. In elementary school, I remember that me and all my classmates were assigned to play the role of either the pilgrims or the …

Fry Bread

This past week the author of the book Fry Bread: A Native American Family Story, Kevin Noble Maillard, joined us to talk about the making of his book. Maillard talked with us about his writing process, read Fry Bread to us and shared some of his family stories around fry bread.  In addition to participating …

Students Engaging with An American Sunrise

We are thrilled that Joy Harjo joins us today to discuss her collection of poems, An American Sunrise. Several Hope College classes engaged with this book or met with Harjo to talk about the writing process.  Professor Moreau’s English 380 Class:  Professor Bill Moreau teaches the secondary English methods class at Hope College. His class …

Native American Heritage Month

Our program kicked off one week ago, but November kicks off Native American Heritage Month. Native American Heritage Month provides a time to acknowledge the truth in our history, recognize the land we are on, and celebrate Indigenous people.  Native American Heritage Month emerged in 1990 when President Geoge Bush signed a congressional resolution designation …

Why should you participate in the Big Read Lakeshore?

Tonight is our 2021 Big Read/Little Read kick-off event with featured author Joy Harjo! Join us virtually for a discussion about our featured book of poems, An American Sunrise. Joy Harjo will discuss her poems and her insights as an author and as the current US poet laureate. We hope to see you there! If …

Kick-Off Event with Joy Harjo

There is only one week until the kick-off of our 2021 Big Read programming! We are so excited to learn alongside you and engage creatively with this year’s selection An American Sunrise and Fry Bread: A Native American Family Story.  Joy Harjo is a poet, musician, author, and activist from the Muscogee Nation. She is …

Little Read Story Walks

One of our favorite aspects of our Big Read and Little Read programs are the community partnerships we’ve been able to establish with area schools, libraries, arts centers and museums, and non-profit organizations. Little Read Story Walk This year, we’ve been especially grateful for conversations, feedback, and insights from people at Gun Lake Tribe. One …