Life at Hope College

Day Haul: Monday in My Life as a Junior at Hope!

Hi! My name’s Audrey and I’m a junior here at Hope studying communication and Spanish, with minors in global health and social witness ministry. One of my favorite things about the school year is having dependable routines throughout each week. Things definitely fluctuate and get more or less busy depending on the time of the semester, but having solid rhythms to fall back on always helps me stay grounded.

This semester, one of my best friends, Caitlin, is studying abroad in Australia. To keep in touch, we send each other what we like to call our “Day Hauls,” a series of pictures we snap through the day to show the other what we’ve been up to. It has been an amazing way to stay in touch, especially since she’s 14 hours ahead!

Today, I want to take a page from my and Caitlin’s book to share with you a “day haul” of a typical Monday in my life at Hope.

Morning Routine

One great thing about college is that you have more flexibility to choose a class schedule that aligns with your sleep schedule, whether you’re a morning person or a night owl! On MWF, my first class starts at 8:30. I love to have time for myself in the morning, so my day typically starts with a 6:30 wakeup and a sunrise run around campus. Lately, I’ve been loving to see how the trees have changed color slightly each day. It’s such a joy to watch the sunrise and enjoy the quiet of campus and Holland in the early morning. Sometimes my roommate will run with me (pictured below) other times, I go by myself and ease into the day with a podcast or music.

Stopping to snap a sky picture is a must during a sunrise run!

After running, I come back home and shower, make coffee and breakfast, and sit down to read my Bible while I eat. Then, I get ready for class and head to my 8:30.


My first class of the day is medical Spanish, and almost every Monday we have a test about anatomy vocab or other medical terms we’ve learned. So I’ll take that test, and then we typically will end class playing a fun game with our vocab lists like Clue or Bingo. I have a lot of friends in this class, and love learning Spanish which I can use practically in a future career.

Study Break and Chapel

After class, I have about an hour to study and then I head to chapel! Chapel is truly one of my favorite parts of the day; it’s such a joy to see my friends who live all over campus and worship with them for 20 minutes amidst a busy day.

I love chapel!


After chapel on Mondays, I head to work in the mailroom for 2 and a half hours before my next class. I usually have a little time to study within the shift, but am focused on receiving packages and helping students pick up mail. I love working because I feel productive, but at the same time I’m not thinking about school. I also love catching up with my bosses, coworkers, and people who come pick up mail.

Quick Lunch and Class

I have class at 2:00, so I have 30 minutes after work to grab a quick lunch before I head to global politics. This class is getting me credit for both my global health and ministry minors… which is great.

I love that a lot of liberal arts classes can double dip credit-wise. It makes it easier to have multiple majors and minors and still graduate in four years.

And… More Class!

Mondays are definitely my busiest day! After global politics ends at 2:50, I head across campus to my social epidemiology class. This is a 3-4:2o class that only meets twice a week, whereas MWF classes usually meet three times a week for 50 minutes. I think social epi is my favorite class, and I love that my professor starts each day with a wellness tip for us (we’ve taken time to stretch, drink water, etc. before she starts lecturing!)

Social Epidemiology!

After Class!

When I get home at 4:30, I’m definitely exhausted! Usually, at this point, I haven’t been home since 8… which reminds me more of a high school routine than what I’m used to in college, honestly. I do love living in a cottage on campus because that means I can run home and rest before I go down to my kitchen and cook some dinner. Then, of course, it’s time to start homework!

Wind Down!

Since I’m an early riser, I try to get to a stopping point with homework as early as I can. It helps that on Tuesdays, I only have one class, so I know I’ll have more study time the next day. After I zip up my backpack and put things away, I like to go on a sunset walk to separate myself from school and remind my brain that it’s time to wind down and be done thinking about academics.

Dimnent on a sunset walk truly never gets old.

When I get back, I get ready for bed and get out my running clothes and outfit for the next day. Then, I climb into bed and read a book until I fall asleep!

This is how my night ends, and I wouldn’t have it any other way!

Wrapping it Up!

Like I said earlier, I’m a big routine person! I think there’s so much beauty within the seemingly mundane rhythms of everyday life. The fact that I can count on a sunrise and sunset every morning and night is a grace I don’t want to take for granted. Since starting day hauls with Caitlin, I find myself so much more inclined to take pictures and notice the beauty within the rhythms of my everyday life, even when I’m overwhelmed or exhausted. My Mondays are busy, yes, but I’m so grateful to have moments of stillness and beauty even within the demands of everyday life as a student.

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