Life at Hope College

Life’s Simple Pleasures

This semester in my Leadership class, my professor has been challenging each student to reflect on a simple pleasure in life. He’s motive for encouraging us to reflect has been that everyone has a way to relax and recharge. Over the past week I’ve spent some time thinking about some of my simple pleasures and I thought that I would share them with all of you.

1. Friday chats with my mom. Since I’m from Texas, I don’t have a ton of opportunities to see my family during the school year. But, my mom and I have started talking on Friday afternoons. I love catching up and getting advice from her – she always knows just what to say and is so encouraging.

2. Friday dinners with Chris. For those of you who don’t know, Chris is my boyfriend. He’s really something else! The great thing about Chris is that he always have something funny or encouraging to say. I really enjoy going to dinner and talking each Friday night – it really is a simply pleasure in life.

3. Mac & Cheese. One of my awesome roommates, Hilary, loves Mac & Cheese. Twice a week we come home after classes and enjoy a good chat and yummy Mac & Cheese. Even though it’s really simple, talking with Hilary and hearing about her life is something that I look forward to – again, it’s the simply things in life that make a difference.

4. Life chats with L-Fall. You name it, we talk about it! From books, tea, clothes, guys, food, shopping, and music, Larissa always has something interesting to share. She also has been a great roommate and someone to I enjoy spending time with. Hearing her contagious laugh while listening to her reenact moments from her day are another simple pleasure.

5. Bible study. To the girls in my Bible study, you and your words are a simple pleasure. I love meeting weekly and discussing the BIble with Megan, Meg, and Hannah. They always are full of encouraging words, and they are good friends who just help you along the way when the days of life get hard.

So I challenge you, after reading this post think about what the simple pleasures are in your life. No matter how silly or unimportant they seem, it really is the little things that make life great.

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