Life at Hope College

Fall Reading List!

You know what my idea of a perfect day is? For me, it would be snuggled up in a warm blanket on my bed reading a book. That’s it. That’s all I need to be happy really. Even though this rainy, cold, and very windy weather makes me want to stay inside and snuggle, it just hasn’t happened yet (sigh). However, I read when I can, and you should too! Whether it’s 20 minutes before work, or as a break from studying, make it one of your goals to finish ____ number of books this semester. It’s hard, I know, but if you make it part of your daily routine, you will be used to reading all of the time! So, I have decided to compile a list of some of the books I currently have on my reading list!

1. Not That Kind of Girl, by Lena Dunham

Lena Dunham in all her glory.

This semester, I am taking Creative Nonfiction writing, so I have been doing a lot of reflecting about myself and my own personal experiences. To take a bit of a break from writing about my own life, I have started to read more about other people’s lives. Over fall break, I picked up Lena Dunham’s new book, Not That Kind of Girl, and it is SO. GOOD. If you don’t know who Lena Dunham is, she is the creator of the HBO show Girls for which she also produces, writes, and directs! Of course, I think she is a phenomenal writer. She writes about everything from falling in love, her battle with her body/weight, friendships, work, and the sexism she has encountered in Hollywood. She writes about her life honestly and throughout the book she tells you what she has learned from her experiences. I admire Lena for her honesty and the fact that she doesn’t listen to those telling her she doesn’t fit the “conventional” mold of a celebrity. Also, you must follow her on Twitter. Her tweets are so random, yet hilarious:

2. Wild, by Cheryl Strayed


I have been wanting to read this book for a while now, and ironically enough, Wild was one of the required novels for my nonfiction class! I started reading it during the summer, but haven’t finished it yet. There has been a lot of buzz about this book, so much so that Oprah even placed this memoir on her reading list! You know it must be an interesting read if Oprah wants to read it am I right? Anyway, Wild is a memoir about the author, who at the age of 22, embarked on a treacherous hike through the Pacific Crest Trail by herself. Cheryl is very open with her readers about her drug abuse, the failing of her marriage, and the heartbreak after her mother’s death. This book is currently being released on film, with actress Reese Witherspoon playing Cheryl. I can’t wait to finish reading this book and see the film!

3. Gone Girl, by Gillian Flynn

Pretty much everyone I know has read this book already, everyone except me that is. I have this book at home, so I will have to wait a few more weeks before I can actually start reading it. Gone Girl tells the story about married couple Nick and Amy, and Nick’s possible involvement in Amy’s disappearance. The story is told from both Nick and Amy’s perspectives, so the reader really gets into the mindset of each character. It’s a suspenseful novel all the way until the ending, which I have heard is quite shocking. This novel was also turned into a movie and was released a few weeks ago! It stars Ben Affleck as Nick and Rosamund Pike as Amy.


4. #GIRLBOSS, by Sophia Amoruso


I am too excited to read this book by Sophia Amoruso, who is the Founder, CEO and Creative Director of the e-tailer, NastyGal clothing. From what I read on the cover, Sophia stopped going to school at the age of 17 to pursue her dream of selling vintage clothing. She gives her readers advice about how to turn their dreams into reality without changing who they are. Her story is proof that with a lot of hard work, it really is possible to get what you really want in life. Fun fact: Lena Dunham is only wearing NastyGal clothing on her book tour, since her and Sophia have been longtime friends! I am SO about this girl power right now, let me tell you.  I can’t wait to read what she has to say!

I hope to make this reading list post a continuous one in the future! If you have read any of these books, tweet me @HopeMarisela16 and let me know your thoughts! Thanks for reading 🙂

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