Life at Hope College

Finding Hope in Florida

Over Spring Break I had the chance to go to Ft. Myers, Florida, with my parents and my friend Heather who is studying to be an ASL interpreter at RIT in New York. It was so nice to get away, soak up some sunshine, and relax with only some guilt at not making any progress on my school work to-do list.

One day we decided to check out this ice cream place we had heard about called The Love Boat. Inside the little building was packed with people and we made our way to the back of the line. While checking out the place I noticed two things:

  1. They had Blue Moon ice cream. This is my roommate’s favorite flavor and one that I, to her surprise, had never heard of before. So naturally I had to get some.
  2. They had a Hope College pennant on the ceiling – right between Calvin College and a school near my hometown, California University of Pennsylvania.
Hope College is in the top left of this picture. It was an exciting time.

Since Hope is a small school even around my hometown more people don’t know about it than not. So being somewhere as far away as Florida and finding a little piece of Hope in a little ice cream shop was a sweet surprise. And a nice excuse to send a snapchat to my roommate of my Blue Moon ice cream and a little reminder of our home away from home.

Thanks for reading!

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