Life at Hope College

Easter in Chicago

This year I spent Easter weekend a bit differently.

I am from Pennsylvania so I wasn’t able to spend the holiday at home for the first time ever. Instead, I took the train on Good Friday and met my sister in Chicago where she goes to college. We did all of the touristy things: saw a play, ate Chicago style deep-dish pizza, went to Sprinkles, and visited my favorite thing in Chicago (besides my sister)—the Bean.

I was able to meet my sister’s college friends, catch up with her in person for the first time since January, and it was nice to spend Easter weekend with at least one member of my family. It was strange being on the other end of the phone as we talked to grandparents who had all the great-grandkids over for the Easter egg hunt and parents who were busy within the usual Easter schedule of church and family time. But overall it was a really fun weekend in Chicago that I am glad I got to spend with my sister.

Thanks for reading!

You can follow me on Twitter (@HopeErin18) or Instagram (@e_delaney333) for little thoughts and lots of pictures from my life at Hope 🙂

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