Life at Hope College

An Unknown Winter Paradise Called Jizerské Hory.

As you most likely noticed, I am a second language speaker. Specifically, I am from the Czech Republic and my native language is Czech. The Czech Republic is small country in the middle of Europe (not Eastern) with a population slightly above 10 million people. If one looks at the north side of the Czech Republic, one would see city called Liberec. Liberec is my hometown and the reason of this post. Despite it has population only of 102,000 people, Liberec is the 5th biggest city in the whole country. Yes, we are very small country and that is why every world recognition is even more valuable.

Liberec has a nickname “ the city of sport” because it has endless sporting opportunities ranging from skiing to beach volleyball. The opportunities are not only thing that makes from the Liberec the city of sport. For such a small city we have an excellent facilities and one of the facility got recognized by the New York Times.

The New York Times article about Jizerské Hory named “Bohemia’s Secret Spot for Cross-Country Skiing”

The Secret Spot that the article talks about is in the mountains called Jizerské Hory, only fifteen to twenty minutes by car from the downtown of Liberec. Actually, every year in Jizerské Hory a traditional 50 kilometers (31.0686 miles) cross country race called Jizerská Padesátka is run. Padesátka means 50. This place is not only a paradise for all cross country enthusiasts, but in the summer people ride bikes or they are having walks with their families.

Jizerské Hory is a fabulous, but not as well known place. I would encourage everyone to visit it or at least google these words below in Google Images to see the beauty of these mountains.


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