Life at Hope College

Ski Trip To Crystal Mountain

Hey Everyone,

This past weekend I went on a trip up north to a ski resort called Crystal Mountain. I went with my two good friends Tom and Murray. It was a blast! It was a huge blessing from Tom’s very generous parents to invite us to their cottage. This was a great way to refresh ourselves to get back in the mindset to work hard in school. When you have weeks stacked on each other of endless academics, we all know it can get difficult. This was a great way for us to just focus on having fun and relaxing.

The biggest blessings here at Hope College are not only the opportunities Hope has in faith, but there are huge opportunities in relationships. We had a blast this weekend. Being able to spend time with your best friends and take a little road trip is one of my favorite things about college. Your friends are really what makes your time fun or not, obviously you have to be in the right mindset, but friends effect almost every aspect of your lives, but honestly Hope College has an endless amount of amazing people to become friends with and to spend time with. I have never been at a place in life where I am surrounded by the most amazing people.

I got back from skiing and got to go to the Gathering with some of my other great friends! Following the gathering we took a little homework break and then went to a worship session where we had the opportunity to pray, worship, and talk with our close friends. I got to witness some amazing works of God at this worship session as well. Overall this weekend would rank pretty high up on the list!

Here is my friend Murray getting ready to hit the slopes!

Oh and not to mention I was surprised by my sister and brother-in-law, who decided to show up at Crystal Mountain to see me and do some skiing themselves!

All in all I had a wonderful weekend. I hope you all did as well.

Thanks for reading!
Jesse Heerdt

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