Life at Hope College

It’s that Time of Year

It is that time of year. What time? Lent. Lent is fast approaching. Depending of your faith upbringing, whether Christian or not, and depending on your denomination, Lent may or may not be something that you are aware of. For those of you that are not, lent occurs starting on Ash Wednesday (this Wednesday, 2/18) and goes until Easter. It is approximately 40 days to resemble the 40 days that Jesus fasted in the desert. Lent is a time of fasting, prayer, and service; a time to really intentionally sacrifice something or implement something in your life in order to better yourself and serve the sovereign King, Jesus.

Lent can a beautiful and challenging time. The other day, I was asking myself what really was the point of fasting. Though their are many reasons, some self-serving and others serving of the Lord, an enlightenment came over me the other day.

The Lord, out Triune God, is our TRUE SUSTAINER. When we fast food, that image can really be seen. We need food; we need it to live. We need it constantly in order to function and have energy. We need the Lord like we need food, yet here is the difference – He is not comparable to food due to the fact that He is able to sustain us in ALL things. He is what we need to constantly look to for support. He is the only thing that can truly feed us the way that we need to be fed, through His almighty and glorious love. No matter what we as human beings, look for in being fed – whether that is through food, pride, earthly relationships, porn, or anything in between, ONLY God can truly feed us.

I encourage you to take this time of lent this year to see what you are using to sustain you instead of the Lord. Use this and allow yourself to let go of it so that our constant Lord can be our true sustainer. We may fall, but our God is the only thing that can sustain us.

Peace and Blessings, Friends.

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