Life at Hope College

Beautiful: A Reminder of Worth

Are you worth it?

I looked in the mirror this morning, as I do every day, and on this particular morning, I was nit-picking at my appearance. Thoughts swirled in my brain. I wish I look different, maybe taller, more muscular. Shorter. Brown hair, without glasses, with glasses; the list continues for an eternity. A voice in my head told me, “You looked better yesterday.” I put on mascara and wonder why my eyelashes aren’t naturally dark. I let negative thoughts slip into the newsfeed of my mind, polluting every good thing I have found.

Does this happen to you – do you have days in which you wonder if you’re really all you think you are?

I paused for a moment and glanced around the room. My eyes stopped and looked at my Bible, which was laying on my dresser next to the mirror.

At that moment, I remembered something important. Something that changed everything.

My fingers opened the book, and the pages flopped open to Psalm 139. Verse Fourteen. I am fearfully and wonderfully made, my God reminds me. And no matter how tall I am, how short I am, neither my eye nor hair color, could change that beauty in God’s eyes.

When I look to my faith, I am reminded that my worth is not based in physical appearance. It’s not based on my boyfriend (or rather, my lack thereof), how well I do on my Statistics test, social pressures, cultural norms, whether or not I have chosen a career path, or what others think of me, as long as I am acting justly.

My worth is in Christ, and it lies in nothing else.

Last week in Chapel, we discussed what happens when we feel as though we “don’t belong.” We found an answer within the first two sentences of the Heidelberg Catechism. It begins with a question, and it ends with a promise of peace.

Q: What is your only comfort in life and in death?

A: That I am not my own, but belong, body and soul, to my faithful Savior Jesus Christ.

When I am reminded of this, I look in the mirror with confidence, knowing that I am created in God’s image. I know the Holy Spirit is guiding my path and my God is worthy of praise. Jesus died to set me free of these chains that hold me back, and I will choose to live in that freedom. I will listen to the Voice of Truth and block out the voice of the enemy. God tells me I am made perfect in His eyes, and I will believe it in my heart and look at myself with kindness.

“All beautiful you are, my darling; there is no flaw in you.” – Song of Solomon 4:7

Beginning today, make a promise to yourself. If you are having a day in which you have a negative self-image, forbid yourself to look in the mirror. Reverse the stigma that outer beauty is most important. Embrace inner beauty. Be patient, be kind. Be gentle. Show humility. Grant peace. Give grace. Hold the door open for someone. Grab a fork for the person in line behind you. Engage in an epidemic of God’s glory being spread upon the earth, and by the time you have a chance to look in the mirror, you’ll forget a mirror even exists. Your worth lies in Christ, and it lies in nothing else. The Bible is the love letter written to you to always remind you of how important you are. Keep this in mind today, and keep this in mind every day. You are made beautiful, and you are made new. Each morning sunrise brings more blessings, and each sunset holds more peace. Love God, love yourself. You are worth it all.

Questions or comments? Email me at or feel free to comment below.

Twitter: @hopesophie17

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