Life at Hope College

Last Day of Undergrad Classes

This year has officially come to a close! That’s right, today is my last day of classes and it’s pretty bittersweet. I don’t think it’s hit me quite yet because I’m excited just to be done with homework and projects, but I will greatly miss the friends, professors and routine of each day. However, I think I’m truly ready for a new stage of my life and am really looking forward to living in Grand Rapids for the next three years. It’s been pretty comforting that I’ll only be 45 minutes away from Holland and Hope in general, so I don’t have to say goodbye forever. It’s also nice knowing that some of my friends are going to be in the Holland area, so saying goodbye at graduation will be more of a “See you later,” which will hopefully prevent some tears. With everything wrapping up, I’m excited to be spending the last few days with some of my best friends, especially at Spring Fling this afternoon.

The past two evenings have also been a great way to wrap up senior year because the two intramural teams I was on (frisbee and soccer) ended up winning the most competitive leagues. I’ve been a part of these teams for the past few years and it was a great way to end this great era because we won shirts for both teams. On top of that, I was able to score a great goal in the soccer game last night, making the evening extra special and memorable. I don’t think I could have ended my time here at Hope any better considering intramurals have been such a highlight for me these past four years. I’ve loved playing the sports but also getting to make friends I would not have otherwise gotten to know.

It’s so weird to have a final countdown until graduation because I have one class today, one exam Monday and then nothing the rest of the week until graduation. I think it’s going to be a surreal week just knowing that I’ll see these familiar faces for only a few more days and then never again unless there’s a great turnout at a future class reunion. I think the most scary thing about ending undergrad is the comfort and bubble we’ve been living in and now having a level of uncertainty of the future. I know for me, I still have more school so I’m certain of the next three years but many of my friends have a lot of anxiety because they don’t know what’s happening after graduation. Despite all of the nerves, I’m so happy and proud of myself and my friends for surviving college and getting through some tough times. I truly think it’s time for people to challenge themselves again and continue making memories. I’m beyond thankful for Hope and how it prepared me for graduate school and just life in general and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for me and my friends in the future.

Ultimate Frisbee Champions! Alliance of the Magicians
Most Competitive Soccer Champs! Yeah Chupalo!!

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter @hopeleslie15.

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