Life at Hope College

Discovering Hope

A little fact about myself: I am indecisive and over think decisions–big or small.

So, when it came to my college search, I was lost.

I did not know what major I intended to study, how far I wanted to be from home or whether going to a Christian school even mattered to me. The summer of my senior year I poured over college books and emails and websites and letters creating lists and charts of pros and cons and haves and have-nots—I gathered more information about more schools than I knew what to do with. I sought advice from a friend who was just starting college at Purdue University. I told him I had no clue what I was doing with my life let alone what kind of college I wanted. So, he suggested checking out U.S News Top Hundred Liberal Arts Colleges. A liberal arts education equals lots of options, aka exactly what undecided me needed. So, that night I scrolled through the top hundred list with nothing jumping out and pausing on occasion to look at a website. I read Hope College, thought, “that’s a cute name for a school.” and clicked my way to more information at

I’m not sure how long I spent on the website that night looking at the cute names of intramural Ultimate Frisbee teams (my favorite name of the 2014 season is Huck Huck Goose 🙂 ) and decades old traditions (The Pull [which is Saturday!] and Nykerk! ), but something about Hope struck me. On a whim I decided to ask my parents if we could go and visit this private liberal arts school none of us had ever heard of that’s 6 and a half hours away. We scheduled a dual college visit weekend so my sister could see the University of Michigan and I could see this cutely named college and hopefully (get it? 😉 ) discover whether its mysterious allure was more than just a side effect of late night college searching.

Keep an eye out for the follow up post: Visiting Hope!

Happy Friday!
Twitter & Instagram {places for more little insights and pictures of Hope through my eyes 🙂 }

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