Public Affairs & Marketing

Website Audit Checklist

It’s been a few years since we launched Hope’s new website, and some of the corners are starting to collect dust. It’s time to freshen things up a bit! So, we’re asking every department, office and program at Hope to take a close look at their websites and make sure everything is shipshape.

We’ve put together a Web Content Audit Checklist (PDF) to guide you in examining and assessing your current web content. Please take a look at the document and plan to set aside some time this semester to review your website.

Without getting too terribly formal about it, here are three different approaches you can take:

1. I can do it!

You’ve got the checklist, and you’ve got the OU Campus know-how. Off you go! Let us know if you have any questions along the way. Otherwise, just tell us when you’re done, and we’ll scratch your website off our list.

2. I need a little help.

You’re ready to get started, but there are a few things on the list that you know you’ll need help with. Perfect! Get a hold of Josh Bishop ( or x7066) and let him know how he can help. He can answer your questions via email, or chat on the phone or set up a meeting. In the meantime, feel free to get started with the rest of it on your own.

3. I don’t know where to start.

That’s okay! Just let Josh know, and he’ll add you to our list of sites to audit on our own. We’ll run through the checklist for you, recommend some changes, and reach out to you if we have any questions.

Here’s that link to the Web Content Audit Checklist one more time.

As always, if you need any help with this project, don’t hesitate to let Josh know! He’ll be on hand to help with whatever you need.

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