Public Affairs & Marketing

Web design focus groups

The Web Team and Integrated Marketing have continued progress on the Hope College Website Redesign Project. We’ve previously selected a new college-wide content management system (OmniUpdate) and we have selected a new local web design partner to help us with the next phase. The firm, Mighty who is based in Grand Rapids, will bring a wealth of experience and creativity as we further navigate this design process.

The first step in the process with Mighty is “Research and Identification”. In addition to an inventory of content and analytics, we are conducting a series of focus groups and open forums with the campus community over the next few weeks.

We’re reaching out to faculty, staff, and students across campus to ask for their participation in website focus groups. Focus groups will assemble 8-12 participants to meet with Mighty. In addition to the specific focus groups that are being formed, we will also be facilitating several open forums which will be available to all employees and students as a chance to learn more, ask questions, and offer feedback.

During this time and in these next months there will be opportunities for faculty, staff, and students to continue the conversation about the important building blocks of the foundation and elements of the Hope College story through the web.

We thank the campus community for your participation in this important process!

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