Public Affairs & Marketing

Campusmail and studentmail changes

Recently the inclusion of images in “campusmail” and “studentmail” messages has become problematic. In some cases, the distribution of messages with images can take hours and hold up other messages. Additionally, the information in an image is not accessible to those with visual impairments.

Because this system is necessary for the prompt distribution of emergency and weather-related information, we are discontinuing the inclusion of images in messages for the time being. Text-only messages also have the benefit of being more easily read on mobile devices and can be searched at a later date.

If you have an image or file that you wish to share with the campus community, please upload it to Google Drive and include a link in your message.

Please also consider complementary communication options. For example, events can be submitted to the Campus Calendar, announcements can be submitted to inHope and you can create images to be shared on various screens around campus. Additionally, you might consider promoting larger events on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or your department blog.

Work is underway to develop a new system for the distribution of campus-wide messages in the months ahead.

Thank you for your understanding!

Julie Huisingh, Public Affairs and Marketing
Jeff Pestun, Computing and Information Technology

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