We are just over two weeks away from Election Day. Throughout this campaign season, our nation has been experiencing increasing levels of vitriol, disrespect and hostility — and those experiences are having a corrosive effect on our communities. At a time when others are sowing seeds of discord, we aspire to live fully into our name, HOPE.
In the spirit of HOPE, our divisional teams will be working together to provide resources and opportunities that engage the body, mind, spirit and community in the days before and after the election. United by our faith and driven by our mission, we aim to offer encouragement and support to students and employees alike.
At the heart of our work is a commitment to belonging, understanding and grace — the three-part framework that Hope’s Culture Task Force established last year.
Belonging: Everyone here feels it’s their Hope. Together we celebrate diversity and together we share in defining Hope.
Understanding: Even when we don’t agree, we work to understand each other better and move forward. We disagree well. We can respectfully discuss emotional and consequential issues.
Grace: We extend our best to each other and we believe the best of one another. We strive to foster a culture of trust and accountability. Our culture is free from threat, intimidation, gossip and retaliation. People always have someone they can turn to for help.
As important as it is to define belonging, understanding and grace, it is equally important to be clear about what is not acceptable in the Hope community. In the weeks before and after the election — and indeed at all times — it is unacceptable to:
- Display symbols of hate
- Speak racial slurs
- Participate in acts of vandalism
- Participate in acts of intimidation or violence
As we head into this final stretch before the election, please watch for updates regarding events, activities and resources on campus. Through these opportunities, we will endeavor to listen to one another, ask questions, and consider each others’ perspectives.
We all are connected, and we all have a role to play in keeping Hope’s campus a place of belonging, understanding and grace. Thank you for everything you are doing to keep HOPE!
Spera in Deo —
Dr. Richard Frost, Vice President for Student Development and Dean of Students
Dr. Gerald Griffin, Associate Provost for Academic Affairs
Rev. Dr. Trygve Johnson, Dean of the Chapel
Dr. Sonja Trent-Brown, Chief Officer for Culture and Inclusion