Van Wylen Library

Welcome students!

Welcome to the 2016-2017 school year!


The Van Wylen Library is excited to welcome new and returning students back to campus! We have spent the summer getting ready for you. Make sure you start off the new school year right by taking advantage of all our services and resources.


Over the summer, the library’s website was updated! Check the website out here and let us know if you have any suggestions on improving it. In addition, we’ve rearranged some areas around the library so if you have any questions about where something is, don’t hesitate to ask!


As always, the Research Librarians are ready to point you in the right direction to get you started on projects and papers. You can contact them via email (, chat, text (616-765-4673), by making a research appointment online, or by calling 616-395-7904.


In addition, the writing assistants at the Klooster Center for Excellence in Writing are eager to help you with any stage of the writing process. Make an appointment online, by phone (616-395-7025) or by simply walking in.


Don’t forget about the Tech Lab and Media Services on the 2nd floor! They can help you with printing projects as well as assist with the variety of computer programs and editing software that you will find on the computers in the lab. Remember, you can also checkout technology there ranging from calculators to GoPros to iPads and laptops. They’ve made some improvements this summer, so make sure you stop by and see what’s new!


In addition to all these amazing services, there are also plenty of spaces where you can find your study spot. The basement, 3rd, and 4th floors are quiet floors and the 1st and 2nd floors are ideal for studying with friends or working on group projects. We have plenty of study rooms and spaces available during library hours.


Like us on Facebook (Hope College Library) and follow us on Twitter (@vanwylenlibrary) to stay updated with hours and events and other exciting things that will happen in the library this year.


The Library staff looks forward to assisting you in your academic endeavors!

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