Van Wylen Library

Random Acts of Kindness Week

Did you know February 10-16 is Random Acts of Kindness week? Here at Van Wylen we love to celebrate random acts of kindness. Right now on the first floor of the library you can write down your ideas about how to spread kindness to friends, family, and strangers. One person wrote “Tell someone they are beautiful” while another said “Make an international student feel at home.” What random act can you do for a stranger this week? For inspiration, visit







If you’re interested in pursuing more on this topic, the library has some resources available to you. A subject search in the catalog for “social action” or for “humanitarianism” yields lots of books and ebooks to peruse. For scholarly articles, try your hand at 1Search. You’ll receive lots of results from across many databases, which you can then narrow down according to your criteria.

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