Van Wylen Library

New Ebrary E-Books at Van Wylen

Van Wylen Library has over 375,000 volumes in print, but did you know that the library also has access to over 120,000 ebooks  through the library catalog?  This includes 78,000 titles in ebrary’s Academic Complete.

The Academic Complete collection from ebrary contains a broad selection of e-books in all academic subject areas. Ebrary just added over 1,000 science and technology e-books from Elsevier to their collection. These titles cover subjects such as mechanical, chemical and civil engineering, as well as environmental and alternative energy.

The benefits of using an e-book from the library include text-to-speech, highlighting and annotating, full-text search options, and the ability to use the book on your computer, tablet, or phone. Also, e-books from ebrary allow multiple users to view the same e-book simultaneously so there’s no need to wait for someone to return a book or for a MeL loan to arrive.

The library’s e-book collection is integrated with HopeCat. Your catalog search results will include e-books that match your search query, and you can also search just e-books by using an advanced search and limiting the “Material Type” to “eBook”. If you’d like to browse the library’s new e-book additions, click here.

–Madalyn Muncy, Library Student Blogger

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