The Academic Complete collection from ebrary contains a broad selection of e-books in all academic subject areas. Ebrary just added over 1,000 science and technology e-books from Elsevier to their collection. These titles cover subjects such as mechanical, chemical and civil engineering, as well as environmental and alternative energy.
The benefits of using an e-book from the library include text-to-speech, highlighting and annotating, full-text search options, and the ability to use the book on your computer, tablet, or phone. Also, e-books from ebrary allow multiple users to view the same e-book simultaneously so there’s no need to wait for someone to return a book or for a MeL loan to arrive.
The library’s e-book collection is integrated with HopeCat. Your catalog search results will include e-books that match your search query, and you can also search just e-books by using an advanced search and limiting the “Material Type” to “eBook”. If you’d like to browse the library’s new e-book additions, click here.
–Madalyn Muncy, Library Student Blogger