Van Wylen Library

Let Us Get That for You

The library now offers a service where we will retrieve the items you want to check out and hold them for you at the Circulation Desk.  When searching HopeCat, simply click the Place a Hold link just above the search bar.  If the item is currently checked out, you will be notified when it is returned.  If the item is available, we will go get it for you.  If you are not already logged in to your library account, the system will prompt you to log in using your 1.Hope username and password.  (Guest users can use their library barcode and PIN.)  By the following afternoon, items you have requested will be at the Main Circulation Desk.*  You will receive an e-mail when the items are ready to be picked up, and you then have 5 days to come get them.   You may request anything that can be checked out, including (but not limited to) books, DVDs, CDs, and music scores.  You may also request items from Western Theological Seminary’s library.  The process is the same, but you pick up those items at the WTS library Circulation Desk.

*We are currently retrieving items only during weekdays.  If you request an item on Friday it will not be available for pick-up until Monday.  As always, wait for the e-mail notification that the item is ready and waiting.

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