English Department

Students in New York City

Our students have some fantastic experiences, both on-campus and off. We’ll be featuring some current student stories as well as highlighting past adventures that showcase awesome student experiences. This month, here’s a throwback from 2012:

Students in New York City!

The English Department often has students off-campus in New York City. In Spring of 2012 we had three! We asked them three questions; here’s what they had to say.

Leigh Clouse:

  1. What’s the best part about studying in NYC?

The best part about studying in NYC is the fact that there is so much to do here. I can go out every day and do something totally different. There are so many possibilities and it’s exciting to be a part of that.

  1. What’s the worst part about studying in NYC?

The worst part about studying in NYC is how much everything costs. I knew city life would be expensive, but the prices still leave me flabbergasted sometimes. You get used to it though.

  1. Classes here are different because…

Classes here are different because there really are no classes! We had seminars once a week for the first few weeks, but other than that we just have our internships. There’s definitely a different feel to working 40 hours a week though, which takes some getting used to. Yet, it’s a great break from studying and homework!

  1. Something I get to do in NYC that I wouldn’t do in Holland is…

Something I get to do in NYC that I can’t do in Holland is hop on a subway and travel to wherever I want to go. There’s always something happening in NYC, which is not always true of Holland.

  1. And, finally, New York is…

And, finally, New York is absolutely spectacular! I am in love with this city and its people. There’s a good chance I will be back here after graduation.

Alex Brennan:

  1. What’s the best part about studying in NYC?

There are so many opportunities and experiences I would have never come across living in Holland this semester. I have found cool bookstores, seen great musicals, ran into famous people, and met some of the coolest people I know.

  1. What’s the worst part about studying in NYC?

The adjustment from going to school and having class to working a 40 hour internship was really difficult. I had to prepare myself for that change. Normally, I like to take naps around 2pm or 3pm, but I sadly I can’t here.

  1. Classes here are different because…

Classes here are different because… they aren’t really classes. The first half of the semester we have seminars, where we explore the arts within New York. My seminar went to concerts and a poetry reading; we got to explore the culture of New York, which was an eye opening experience.

  1. Something I get to do in NYC that I wouldn’t do in Holland is…

there are so many opportunities to see people and shows that you would never see in Holland. I have pretty consistently seen a Broadway musical every other week and it is not that expensive with student rush tickets either.

  1. And, finally, New York is…

And, finally, New York is… a world of adventure. There is always something to do, it just needs finding.

Melody Hughes:

  1. What’s the best part about studying in NYC?

The subways. Everything is fantastically accessible. And subways don’t have to stop for traffic lights.

  1. What’s the worst part about studying in NYC?

The subways. Waiting forever for trains in the winter, sweating in warm weather, playing sardines with strangers, falling on strangers when the train lurches forward, and realizing the train you need doesn’t run at night are less than delightful.

  1. Classes here are different because…

I’m interning full time at a small book publishing company so it’s quite different than class. I feel more like a working adult than a student, minus the paycheck of course.

  1. Something I get to do in NYC that I wouldn’t do in Holland is…

Walk to Starbucks. There’s something like 144 of them in Manhattan. No matter where you are, you only have a block or so before you run into another one.

  1. And, finally, New York is…

The best of times and the worst of times. There’s homelessness, pollution, garbage, decay, wastefulness, addictions, and masses of people working dead-end jobs. But beauty lives here too. Artistic enthusiasm, pigeons, street performers, glimmering lights, parks, museums, food carts, piers, and the Statue of Liberty are all woven into the complex fabric of New York City.

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