Engineering Department

Meet Your Engineering Professor

This semester was filled with in-person classes using masks and social distancing and online learning through Zoom classes. The Engineering Department shined a little light into the lives of its faculty and staff members with a social media series termed “Meet Your Engineering Professor”

Here is a summary of this series.

Dr. Miguel Abrahantes

  • How long have you been teaching at Hope?  16 years
  • What is your favorite course to teach? Electronics
  • What are some of your hobbies outside of work?   Traveling, gardening, swimming
  • What is an interesting or unknown fact about you? I am from Cuba and I lived in Argentina during my graduate studies and I came to the U.S. as a refugee. I hold 3 citizenships and carry 3 passports: Cuban, Spaniard and American!

Dr. Jeffrey Christians

  • How long have you been teaching at Hope?  3 years
  • What is your favorite course to teach?     Fluid Mechanics
  • What are some of your hobbies outside of work?   Running, Fishing, Watching Basketball (I like playing too but am not what one would call “good”)
  • What is an interesting or unknown fact about you? I can (or I used to be able to…. I’m medium old now) do a barrel roll on a tube being pulled behind a boat. With my brother and cousins, we spent a lot of time on the water during summers at my parent’s cottage on Cowden Lake, North of Rockford, MI.

Prof. Susan Ipri-Brown

  • How long have you been teaching at Hope?  7 years
  • What is your favorite course to teach?     Mechanics of Materials Labs
  • What are some of your hobbies outside of work?   Volunteering, cooking, exciting kids about engineering
  • What is an interesting or unknown fact about you? I have an identical twin sister.

Dr. John Krupczak

Dr. Michael Misovich

Dr. Brooke Odle

Adam Peckens

Dr. Courtney Peckens

Dr. Katie Polasek

Dr. Matt Smith

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