Computer Science Department

Summer research students continue development of the JanDY survey system

From left, students Michael Kiley, Mark Powers, and Evan Altman present their work.

The student team of Evan Altman, Michael Kiley, and Mark Powers presented their summer work on JanDY on Thursday, July 14. JanDY is the web survey system used at Hope each semester to administer the Student Evaluation of Learning and Teaching; JanDY is named for Janet Andersen and Mary DeYoung, two former members of the Mathematics department devoted to undergraduate teaching. The team, under the direction of Dr. Ryan McFall, has been porting the system to modern web frameworks including AngularJS and Bootstrap.

The students presented their work to a group of software developers from Atomic Object, Collective Idea, Lean Logistics and SpinDance. After the presentation, the students, faculty, and professionals enjoyed getting to know each other over lunch.

Here’s a video of the students’ presentation:

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