Boerigter Center for Calling and Career

How to Make the Most of Christmas Break

Well it’s that time of year again! You’ve made it through the first semester of the school year, and boy does break sound good! After finals have drained all of your energy, there is really nothing like getting to spend some quality time away from school work, relaxing, and being with people you love. Over this holiday season take time for some self-care and mental health with these five tips to make the most out of Christmas Break.

  1. Rest

Finals are like slow painful death for many college students, and whether or not they were that for you, you could probably stand a little extra sleep. For the first few nights you are home, try to prioritize going to bed and sleeping in. The holiday season can get a little crazy, so before it hits try to catch up on all of that sleep you missed over the semester.

2. Catch up with friends

College is a wonderful time to make new friends, but if you’re anything like me, you probably have some good pals back home as well. Take some time this break to catch up with the people you haven’t seen all school year while you’re all in the same place. Grab coffee, a meal, go see a movie, whatever it is you like to do!

3. Make goals for the new year

Break can’t be all play right? As the New Year approaches take time to make some goals for how you want to go about life next semester. Not everyone likes to set resolutions, but I find that making a list of things you want to accomplish in the New Year helps to set the tone for the future. Bonus, making this list will also help you feel more productive than if you just watched Netflix all day.

4. Read

Reading probably isn’t at the top of your list given you have just completed another gruelling semester of college. But listen, you can read for fun! For you this may look like a magazine, a fictional novel, or even a nonfiction work if you’re really feeling it. Which ever way you go, books are a great way to let your mind relax.

5. Enjoy the good ‘ole outdoors

It’s a little chilly outside, but fresh air will do you good! It’s easy to spend the entire week cooped up in your house or dorm while at school, so taking time to walk outside, play in the snow, or go skiing. Being outside is a great way to relax and breath in some fresh air and have some fun while you’re at it!


Whatever way you like to relax, take time to prioritize your health this break. Enjoy your time away from school and mentally prepare to come back refreshed in the New Year! Hope you all have a Merry Christmas!

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