Boerigter Center for Calling and Career

Gap Year Fair

Whether you’re a freshman, a senior, or anyone in between, graduation will sneak up on you before you know it, and we want you to feel prepared and ready to take on the next adventure life throws at you after Hope. The only question is, what will that adventure be? The Gap Year Fair is the perfect place to explore what opportunities and careers are available to you once you graduate from Hope. Over twenty different nonprofit organizations and programs will be represented at this event, which will be held on Thursday, October 29, from 10:30AM to 3:00PM in Maas Center. This is a great event the Career Development Center hosts that really showcases a variety of options for what to do after you graduate and are looking to take the next step in your career exploration process.

What’s a gap year, you ask? A gap year is a one to two year long time period, in which students who recently graduated take some time to explore different career options and vocations by getting involved with some type of non-profit organization or program. Sometimes participating in a gap year program can lead to potential employment opportunities, but even if it doesn’t, students usually benefit from this post-grad time, as they learn more about themselves and what types of careers they want to explore and pursue.

Hope College senior and Career Advisor Hannah Cutshall writes about her personal experience with the Gap Year Fair:

Other than internships, I have begun considering post-graduation life as well, which has lead me to the Gap Year Fair!  I studied abroad during my junior year, allowing me to appreciate the beautiful cultures of the world and instilling in me a true feeling of “wanderlust.”  If you are like me and want/need to travel and explore more, than Gap Years are a great option for you.  Hosting over 16 organizations that want to give you a chance to look further than Holland and gain real experience, potentially in a field you hadn’t previously considered, this event is catered around your needs!  Although I think I know where I’m going after graduation, I attended the event last year, skyped with women in Australia about their opportunities, saw how various organizations working in the nonprofit realm, and got to communicate with various teaching abroad agencies!  If I didn’t have a plan, I know I would be returning to find a new, incredible adventure and culture with which to spend a few years after graduation! 

This is an excellent event, chocked full of exciting opportunities for any and all students to explore. No prior registration is required. All are welcome. We look forward to seeing you there!

For a full list of organizations and employers, follow the link, or call the Career Development Center at (616) 395-7950. Gap Year Fair.

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