Boerigter Center for Calling and Career

Identifying Workplace Environment

Let’s set the scene: you walk into your second week and you already feel out of place. Sure, the work you’re doing is perfect resume-building material and your organization has a positive reputation. Your friends and family couldn’t be more proud. Yet, you’re feeling disconnected and there’s just no clear reason why.

So what’s causing your distress? It may be the one component students often forget to consider when taking on their first internship–workplace environment.

Workplace environment can be defined as the different environmental and social components of your organization that contribute to your work experience as a whole. It’s the sum of all the little things you may or may not be aware of that are working together to affect how you enjoy your internship. These components, like how you interact with your boss or how your physical workspace is set up, can be hard to determine before accepting the position.

While some internships provide more realistic responsibilities than others, you can begin to take note of the aspects that contribute to your organization’s environment (as well as your own preferences for your future places of work) even as you enter your first internship.

Some components to start considering regarding workplace environment:

Who’s in charge?
Physical Environment


While it may take some time working in an organization to identify the answers to these questions, the answers you find will prove vital. As you apply for more work opportunities, you’ll be better able to understand the kind of organization in which you’ll thrive. Keep looking for how your environment contributes to your experience as an intern and you may be surprised by what you find. What kind of work environments have you been a part of?

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