Boerigter Center for Calling and Career

Shaking Hands with Handshake

Are you a Hope College Student? Are you looking for an on campus job, internship or full-time work? Not sure where to get started?

Well, you have come to the right place. Handshake is a great way to see what opportunities are available in the area that you are interested in. It does not matter if you are a first-year student checking out Handshake for the first time, or if you are a senior getting ready to take on life after Hope. Handshake is a tool that students can use at any stage of their college career!

Check out these 5 easy steps to get started:

  1. Go to: or click the link directly from the Boerigter Center’s homepage
  2. Login with your Hope College email under “Students”
  3. Answer the “Career Interest” questions Handshake asks you. Handshake will keep track of these along with your search habits and make recommendations!
  4. Go to your profile and fill out information about yourself. This is helpful because employers will be able to learn more about you and in some cases reach out to you directly!
  5. Go to the “Jobs” tab at the top of the page and filter the search results to what you are interested in
    • You can filter by: full-time, part-time, internship, location, industry, major, etc.

(Alums this tool is for you too! Follow the steps in the portal labeled “Alumni” from the Handshake website)

Handshake is an excellent resource to see what kind of opportunities are offered in your area and all over the country. Whether you are seeking a part-time babysitting job to make some extra cash, or if you are interested in jump starting your career, Handshake can help connect you to the possibilities that lie ahead.


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