Boerigter Center for Calling and Career

7 Tips for a Better Handshake Experience

Handshake is a great resource for current students and alumni to get their name out to employers, sign up for events, and find an internship or job! It’s a resource that’s easy to use and so beneficial when you capitalize on the features it provides. The following are 7 tips to help you make the most of your profile on Handshake. 

First, tailor your profile so it represents who you are and gives seeking employers a chance to get an initial sense of you as a person. Keep the different aspects of your profile updated, such as your past experiences, your profile picture, your resume, your skills/courses/projects, and your career interests. Adding career interests is often overlooked by students, but it’s actually very beneficial to include. Handshake will give you tailored job suggestions based on the interests you add, and it will help recruiters find you. Interestingly, 80% of students who share their interests on Handshake receive a message from a recruiter, so taking the time to do this step is definitely worth it. 

Second, upload your resume. This step isn’t complicated and will make applying for jobs much faster! All you need to do is go to Documents under your name. Click Select from Computer and then add a Word Document or PDF―Handshake will try to change every document into a PDF, so I recommend you simply upload a PDF since the conversion Handshake has to do does not always work, resulting in a failure to upload. After you choose your document, make sure you set the document type as resume so that it shows up to employers.

Third, use filters during your job search. Searching for a job is easier than you think when using Handshake. All you need to do is use one or more of the many filters available under the job search bar, such as Full-Time Job, Part-Time Job, Internship, and On-Campus. These filters will narrow the job pool, making it less overwhelming to look through and will help you save time since it takes out the jobs that don’t fit what you’re looking for. As you look through the job options, you can favorite those you’re interested in and might want to apply to later. All you need to do is click the star button which will  allow you to quickly find it later. Also, while you’re there, don’t miss out of the save your search option! 

Fourth, make your profile public. This way, employers who are connected with Hope College on Handshake can see who you are and potentially recruit you. A public profile helps get your name out there and will better your chances at connecting with an employer and finding a job or opportunity you desire. 

Fifth, it’s okay if you have trouble finding a job. If you find yourself struggling, you can schedule an appointment with the Boerigter Center through Handshake! There are appointments for job search, internships, mock interviews, and more. You can schedule an appointment by logging in, clicking Career Center, select Appointments, choose Schedule a New Appointment, and set up what you need. If you have any questions, send an email to and someone will get back to you. 

Sixth, know that jobs aren’t the only thing you can find on Handshake. The Boerigter Center offers a variety of sessions and events that you can register for through Handshake. All you need to do is look for the Events button on the top of your homepage. Check them out and sign up for what interests you! 

Lastly, be active on Handshake. Being active is the best way to find and get the job or opportunity you want, so take the necessary steps by registering for events, using the filters when searching for jobs or internships, interact with employers, apply for a job/internship, join the Hope College Connection, or schedule an appointment―get your resume reviewed, network, make a plan, or have a mock interview―to practice and prepare. Remember if you ever feel stuck, do not hesitate to reach out to the Boerigter by sending an email to, they love to help students! 

I hope you now feel more prepared and ready to make the most of your Handshake account with all the features it offers. Take a few minutes to update your profile today and use the other tips to begin the hunt for your next job or internship. You got this! 

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