Boerigter Center for Calling and Career

How to conquer email- Short, but Polite

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This part of the email series I believe is very important especially in today’s age where being polite is not something that is necessarily done.

Emailing is a fast way to communicate and is growing ever more popular each year in this digital age. However, unlike talking over the phone or face to face, this media doesn’t give you the power of facial expressions or tone inflections in helping to communicate your message. So how can you still sound polite and considerate when you are writing a short email?

Greetings that are personal and recognize authority are one of the best ways to start off an email. If you nail this part of your email you will already be ahead of the game. Building goodwill with your contact starts when they see your email in their inbox, so make sure that the opening line says exactly what you want it to. For more information about how to format a greeting see the “How to Conquer Email: The Greeting” portion of this mini-series.

Some other points you can follow to help keep your emails sounding polite are:

Grammar and spelling mistakes happen to everyone, but an easy way to show politeness in an email is to watch for these problems and fix them. This helps keep your emails readable and shows your contact that you care about what you are saying

"Politeness costs little and yields much" -Mme. de Lambert.

I found this quote very fitting for this portion of the series and I hope you do to. Next up on the series will be the signature block.

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