Boerigter Center for Calling and Career

Giving Tuesday: Ways to give back through your career

Giving Tuesday takes place the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, following Black Friday and Cyber Monday. This day was established in 2012 by New York’s 92nd Street Y in partnership with the United Nations Foundation with the simple idea of a day for people to do good. Over the last seven years the idea of Giving Tuesday has grown into a global movement for people to practice giving and celebrating generosity. Everyone has something to give, and this day reminds us to do so. Visit to learn more about Giving Tuesday.

Alumni can give back throughout their career!

A great, easy way to give back is to send or accept an invitation to connect on LinkedIn. This simple act allows students to find new connections in their intended field and maybe even the right connection to a new job! If you’re feeling extra generous, you can send the student helpful tips and tricks for interviewing or networking in your industry.

Hope has networking events coming up in Holland, Lansing, Royal Oak, Grand Rapids and Chicago. Find one near you, and register to attend by heading over to This is a great way to meet Hope students and create personal connections…maybe turn into someone’s mentor! This also allows students to create contacts with alums in their intended field that are attuned to the work ethic Hope students are known for.

Another way to give back to Hope students is to offer to host a student through our DiscoverWork Program. This opportunity allows you to connect with students to explore your career path through job shadowing. The DiscoverWork Program also provides a chance to meet potential interns or full-time employees. For more information on the DiscoverWork program please visit or reach out to to get on the invite list.

There are so many ways you can give back on Giving Tuesday and we hope you find the right fit for you!

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