Boerigter Center for Calling and Career

5 Last Minute Tips for the Recruiting Fair

Take some time to update your resume. Additionally, be sure to read through your resume to look for any inconsistencies or grammatical mistakes. Print off plenty of copies to hand out to companies/recruiters, it never hurts to have extras left over, but you’re not helping yourself if you run out! The Boerigter Center is hosting a Career Carnival on Sept 30th and an all day drop in time on Tuesday Oct 1st if you want to have your resume reviewed.

Lay out your clothes the night before to ensure you are looking business professional. This will help get your mind in recruiting mode, ensure your attire is appropriate, and help you look more put together for the real world! The Fashion Club will be will displaying some great ideas during the Career Carnival on September 30th.

Be ready to talk about yourself! When you get to the front of the line you’ve been waiting in, be prepared to talk to the employer/recruiter, and not just drop off your resume. Want to practice with our staff? Head to the Career Carnival between 3-6pm on September 30th.

Head to Handshake to take a look at the listing of companies that will be in attendance, and figure out which ones you are most interested in. Then, go one step further and look more into that company. Take a look at their website and see what they are all about! This is a little homework, but can be very beneficial at the event.

It is very common to get nervous at events such as this. Be yourself, take a breath, and relax! The professionals attending the fair are interested in Hope College students…and that includes you!

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