Boerigter Center for Calling and Career

Shadowing for Success

In the first few months and years of their college experience we work with many students tossing around ideas of what they would like to do with their future. Enter our DiscoverWork program, a formal job shadowing experience that lets students “test out” what their future could look like.

After students attend their opportunity we ask them to reflect on the experience with their host and share how it helped inform their next best step. Here are a few highlights from the most recent cycle:

Rachel Foy | Host: Derek Root ’02 | Supply Chain Management

Rachel (left) and host Derek Root (right)

“I think the most important thing that I took away from my experience was that people take many different paths in life. There is not one set path to get somewhere. It was cool to learn Mr. Root’s background since this supports this idea. I would have never guessed someone with an undergrad in Religion would end up as a supply chain manager.”

Marissa Ervin & Abby Krueger | Host: Kelly Arnold ’19 Digital Marketing

“My favorite part of the day consisted of speaking with Kelly’s co-workers in the department about their experiences and path to the industry. I appreciate the collaboration within the work. It seemed like every person played a role in creating digital content and they really have to trust each other to do their job and do it well to ultimately create a polished product.” -Marissa

Abby (left), Kelly (center), Marissa (right) at Herman Miller’s Design Yard

“While we of course talked about specific career paths, including digital marketing, the bulk of what we talked about and what has a significant impact on me was the importance of finding a PLACE rather than a JOB. They highly encouraged us to find companies with which our values align, companies with great culture, and places that value you as a person. Almost everyone in this department had changed roles at some point, many multiple times. Their point was that, the specifics of your job of course matter, but the environment, culture, and care given towards you in your work environment generates far more satisfaction than any task or project ever could.” – Abby Krueger

Marketea Abbott | Host: Tawny Brooks ’00 | Law

Tawny Brooks ’00 (left) & Marketea Abbott (right)

“If I learned anything from Mrs. Brooks, it is that success is not “one route fits all”, it is expansive and flexible. It is unique to each person. I can earn a Master’s in Social Work and still go to law school if I choose. My passion for people can look very different depending on how I want it to turn out. I have been blessed to continue learning and working through those thoughts. I am eager to see where God will move me.”

Julia Loula | Host: Dr. Melissa Richardson (Hope Parent)|Medical

Julia (left) with Dr. Richardson (right)

“The most important thing that I learned from my shadowing experience is that medicine is something that aligns with who I am and is something that I could see myself doing every day as a future career. Additionally, it was helpful to ask about the work-life balance in Dr. Richardson’s job as that is something that I have been considering a lot lately. She encouraged me that having a balance, and things like a family that come with that, is more than possible and not something that should ever hold me back from the profession.”

Whether you are a student seeking to learn more about a certain profession or an alumni, parent, or friend of Hope that wants to host a student, The Boerigter Center for Calling and Career invites you to apply for our next round of DiscoverWork. Head into The Hope College Connection and click the DiscoverWork tab to get started.

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