Boerigter Center for Calling and Career

Save the Dates: Spring Events Coming Your Way

With the spring semester right around the corner, there are plenty of events to put on your radar and in your calendar. A wide range of events will be offered this spring that you could attend. These events are catered towards different career paths and opportunities.

In January there will be two opportunities near the end of the month. The Summer Camp & Ministry Fair at Hope will host different organizations that you could potentially work for either this summer or for a career geared towards ministry. Giving one of your summers to work at a camp can be an incredibly fulfilling and life-changing time. Even if you’re unsure, this is a great chance to get some more insight into the world of summer camps and ministry.

The other event in January is the Internship Fair. For those of you seeking out a semester or summer internship, this is an amazing chance to meet various employers and make a face-to-face connection. The fair will feature different companies in a range of fields making it a great event to attend for all types of majors.

In February, there will also be a pre-health networking night. This is a perfect chance for those intending to pursue a job in the health field to connect with current people employed in healthcare. This is also a chance to learn more about if pre-health is the best track for you.

Another fantastic series of opportunities are the Living and Working In events that occur in different regions. The first in the series will be focused in healthcare, but the following two events will be open to more types of alumni who can offer advice and tools. The healthcare event is Living and Working In: Royal Oak. This social event will allow a more casual chance to connect and learn more about opportunities in healthcare in Royal Oak, MI. This will be in February.

The second and third Living and Working In events are in West Michigan and Chicago, respectively. Both events will be networking-styled events where students can connect with alumni in order to get advice and gain tips about living and working in whatever region the event is located in. The West Michigan event will take place in March and the Chicago one will be in April.

You can always check out Handshake or the Hope calendar to keep updated about events that are coming up. Keep these events in mind when planning for your spring semester and future career exploration. These are all events that will help you launch into the next chapter of life, so be sure to check them out as they get closer.

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