Boerigter Center for Calling and Career

Mid-Semester Advice

Attention Juniors and Seniors: We are now halfway through the semester! Keep pushing, you can do this! You have done amazing things so far. Enjoy your break and remember, no matter where you are in your internship, job, or graduate school search, the Boerigter Center is here for YOU. There are incredible people and resources just waiting to come alongside you wherever you find yourself and walk you through this process. Breathe! We have something for everyone.

If you’re like me, and you’re not exactly sure what your next steps are going to be, there’s a few things to get in order. First, check out our Résumé and Cover Letter Guide and Curriculum Vitae Guide if you haven’t done that already. How’s Your LinkedIn Profile? While you’re there, check out our Networking Guide. Wondering about “How to Write Letters of Inquiry?” We’ve got answers! What about “Obtaining a Letter of Recommendation?” Like I said, we’ve got you covered. And don’t forget to follow up with a Thank You Note.

Now is the time to start applying for open positions if you haven’t already! As you prepare for your job search, make sure to schedule an appointment for a mock interview through Handshake (every student has an account with Hope email). You can also practice interviewing online through InterviewStream. If you prefer, you can download a virtual customized Hope College Backgrounds. (Especially useful if your roomate has a messy desk!) Wondering what to wear? We’ve got some great advice! Dressing For Success in an Interview.

On our website, you may select any category (résumé prep, internships, networking/mentoring, interview prep, job/graduate school search and more) to find tips, resources, and a link to make an appointment via Handshake with a spectacular Boerigter professionals.

We can’t wait to see where you’ll go! And . . . if you happen to have made plans for your next steps, let us know! We’ll send you a custom digital frame for your social media accounts.

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