Boerigter Center for Calling and Career

LinkedIn How-To: What Recruiters Look For

LinkedIn has become the more prominent way that many people are seeking jobs and finding people to recruit. It is a platform that heightens the concept of a traditional résumé by constantly being updated and interacted with. Over the past few weeks, we’ve looked at the how-to of the basics of your profile as well as networking and job search. In this blog, we’ll touch on what exactly stands out to recruiters.

With how many people are on LinkedIn, it’s vital that you are able to be set apart enough so that employers and recruiters see how you could be a good addition to their company. That being said, LinkedIn isn’t much different from your résumé in terms of how little time is spent going from one person to the next.

Just like a traditional résumé, recruiters are sorting through potentially hundreds of potential candidates. With this in mind, you have to catch the eye of an employer. By having a brand and tone to your profile, you create consistency. Each company and employer is going to be looking for something different, but if you have a brand that matches who you are, you’re more likely to find a good fit.

One of the most important elements to your profile is your photo. Statistics have shown that around one-fifth of the time someone views your profile is spent looking at the photo. Seeing your face allows someone to feel more personally connected to you, and you want your face to come with your name and brand, so having a solid profile photo matters. Don’t have too distracting of a photo. You want it to be just a portrait of you, and the background should have minimal going on. If the background is busier, it should match who you are and you should be what’s in focus.

Recruiters will see that your profile is complete and that you are engaged with it. The more you post and interact, the more frequently people will see your profile. Once on your profile, you want words, phrases, and other things that show you are well-accomplished. You want your accomplishments and experience to match what you’re interested in and applying for. Ultimately, showing that you are passionate and excited will bode well with potential future employers.

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