Boerigter Center for Calling and Career

A Critical Thinking Initiative

As you look towards graduation you will likely be challenged by professors, friends, and family to consider the value of your liberal arts degree. With any major, there is a variety of work roles that can utilize the many skills that you have acquired through Hope College’s liberal arts program. One of these important strengths is strong critical thinking skills.

Critical thinking is exercising sound judgement when we analyze and make decisions.

As a Hope College student, you have the unique opportunity to develop critical thinking skills. However, simply attending Hope College does not automatically make you a critical thinker. Being a part of the Critical Thinking Program that the Boerigter Center for Calling and Career is offering would allow you to further develop these very skills and provide proof of them to future employers. Employers and graduate programs highly value candidates with strong critical thinking skills.  This six-week program includes time for reflection on a co-curricular challenge, a course application activity, and a small research-related exercise. This all culminates in a recorded interview where you will convey your critical thinking skills.

Hope College alumni Joey Williams writes about his personal experience with the Critical Thinking Program:

“The Critical Thinking Digital Badge program helped me become a valuable employee to my company. By encouraging me to challenge assumptions outside of the classroom, the Digital Badge program prepared me to become a better researcher, thinker, and analyst for the international healthcare consulting company I currently work for. Additionally, completion of the program showed my employer that I’m intentional about my work and am willing to go the extra mile. I’d recommend this program to anyone who wants to challenge themselves and learn beyond the classroom.”

The Critical Thinking Pilot Program starts on January 29th and ends March 9th. The time commitment is about 3-4 hours per week and is very flexible based on your schedule.

Read more on our website and apply soon. There are a limited number of spots and the deadline to apply is Thursday, January 21st. Students will be selected based on their application. You can find the application here. We are excited to offer this great opportunity and hope you consider applying!

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