Alumni & Family Engagement

That’s A Wrap!

Did summer fly by for anyone else?

In the blink of an eye, summer is over! This summer was filled with adventures in Holland. My first summer away from home was nothing short of memorable. The beach trips, exploring neighboring cities, and sunsets galore were perfection.

Laughs with visiting friends.

Sadly, it’s time to kiss lazy summer days goodbye. However, there comes a certain excitement with the new school year. The freshmen move-in day starts the back to school jitters, and catching up with all of your friends starts to make it feel real.

In my now junior-level classes, “Syllabus Day” is now “You can read the syllabus at home, let’s start off with Chapter 1 in your textbooks!” Oddly, I’m okay with this. I am ready for the challenges and surprises and work that goes into a new school year. Living in the Delta Phi cottage has been a blast so far, and it only gets better. I can’t wait to tell you all about the adventures that happen in that house! But for now, I am comforted in the fact that I am back in classes, with my best friends, taking on junior year.

Taken before the first dinner with all of the girls living in the cottage.
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