Alumni & Family Engagement

Career Development and Lifelong Learning Courses

Hope College - Hope College celebrates commencements of the 2018 graduating class with a Baccalaureate service at Dimnint Chapel.

College is a unique time to explore and learn who you are and who you have the potential to become. That exploration doesn’t stop after graduation! Hope alumni are educated for lives of leadership and service and they live out the mission of the college in inspiring ways. This is evident in our alumni, a talented group of over 35,000 with varied interests, talents, and ambitions, all committed to making the world better in their own way. In an effort to support you as fearless innovators, the college recently introduced a new career development and lifelong learning platform for all of you!

Are you thinking about seeking employment in a new field? Has it been a while since you updated your résumé? Have you considered how your personal brand is connected to your career growth? Do you have an interview coming up that you need to prepare for? Looking for ideas about how to better manage your stress? Check out this new online program for alumni development and career support to participate in online courses that will support you as you continue to discern, prepare and pursue on your journey. Once you register, all courses can be accessed anytime. Registration takes less than a minute, and you can start and stop courses as you go. The system will keep track of what you have done. This valuable service has been paid for by The Alumni Association in order to provide it to you free of charge, please enjoy our gift to you!

Career Development Courses include:

Lifelong Learning Courses include:

Register today!

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