Academic Success Center

Peer Academic Coaching from the ASC

You’re in that limbo between first tests and midterms, first papers and upcoming projects, more demanding curriculars and even more attractive extra-curriculars. And maybe it’s hitting you that life feels a little out of control and not getting any better.

At one-third of the way through the semester (yes!), you might want to do something about it.

One step to take is to the Academic Success Center (ASC) where you can access various kinds of help. Tutors, for example, are great for help in specific classes and highly recommended. But what if you’re dealing more vaguely with just “doing college”?

Peer Academic Coaching could be just what you need.

An ASC-trained student can pair up with you to help you discover and implement new routines and strategies that fit and work for you: organization, time-management, motivation, anti-procrastination, efficient reading, note-taking, test prep, test-taking, and/or balancing academic and social lives.

A crew of wonderful peer coaches is ready to serve. It’s easy to apply and get started. Check it out!

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