Hi! I am a sophomore at Hope this year, and I am a secondary social studies education student with minors in history and ESL. On campus, I work as a TA for one of the education professors and I am one of the directors for Volunteer Services, which is a volunteer group on campus! Outside of college life, I have a flower business that keeps me pretty busy, but when I have time to myself, nothing is better than sitting outside with a good book!

Role on the Big Read team

This is my first year on the Big Read team, and I am super excited to be a part of it this year! I am excited to help out with events and support educators and readers in getting into the books chosen for this year’s big, middle, little, and mini reads because they are some great ones!

What is your favorite part of the Big Read and what are you most excited about for this year’s program?

I am super excited to see how people connect with these stories. All of these stories have greatly impactful themes of dreams and perseverance that I think will resonate with many of the readers!

What is your favorite genre of books and why?

My favorite books are actually autobiographies! As a history nerd, nothing is cooler to me than sitting down to read about someone’s life from their perspective. It is such an intimate and personal way to “get to know” historical figures.

Some of my favorites are The Life and Times of Frederick Douglass (his resilience and strength are incredible), Eighty Years and More by Elizabeth Cady Stanton (She is one of my favorite historical figures and is just so intelligent and witty), and Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography (He is just hilarious! Also, fun fact, he actually wrote his autobiography before the events of the American Revolution which is ultimately what he is most known for!) If you are into history, definitely pick up an autobiography!

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