Death by Winter Fantasia

I realize that Winter Fantasia was a week ago, but I wanted to share my awesome experience with you all. Firstly, Winter Fantasia is an event hosted by Student Activities Committee, or SAC for short where people eat and dance in Grand Rapids’ Amway Grand Hotel. It’s great because you get to dress up and …

Destination: Cameroon

Alright alright alright. Here’s that anticipated post about the Peace Corps! People requested me to talk about my journey throughout the Peace Corps application process, so here it is! Many of my friends have only seen pictures, so here’s the real story. I hope you enjoy it all! Since my sophomore year of college, the …

The Value of Seemingly Spare Change

Change is good, they say. And I agree. I opened the top drawer of my desk over lunch and found a Ziploc bag of dimes, quarters, and pennies (and probably some nickels) tucked back in the left-hand corner. I was trying to find a pencil, but all I found was change. I’m certain it was …

Back To School, Snowpocalypse, Africa Oh My!

Well, the first week of the spring semester is finished. To top it off, it finished on a great note because we have a SNOWDAY TODAY! For those of you who don’t remember, the weather was like this exactly one year ago. It was so bad that people coined the term, “Snowpocalypse 2014.” I definitely …

7.5 things to focus on for the first half of ’15

I was so ready for the new year that I took my assignment notebook on December 31 and tore out all of the pages leading up to January 1. “New year, new schedule,” I told myself. Along with a new schedule, I created new truths for the upcoming year. Due to future circumstances that make …

2,014 is more than a number

I’m not a mathematician, but I can tell you, a number holds so much value. When I think about the year 2014, I consider it to be so much more than a number. Looking back at the weeks and months in which I faced significant challenges, I can hear the echoes of my disappointment, anger, …

I Got Into College! What Next?

It’s that time of the year, folks! Well yes, Christmas and being with family, but as well as getting those college acceptance letters! There’s a new college graduating class cohort, the class of 2019. That seems so far away, but trust me, it will be 2019 in no time. I can’t believe I graduate in …

The Mission That Guides Hope: A Reflection

Many institutions have mission statements. Mission statements provide a guiding light, providing direction and purpose for that institution. Hope College is no different. What makes Hope unique is what is illustrated in the mission itself. Take a gander: The mission of Hope College is to educate students for lives of leadership and service in a global society …

My Last Fall Semester as an Undergraduate Student

That title really encompasses something we don’t have a lot of time. This semester has been really good to me, despite the challenges that I faced with my life, workload, and stress. Each semester brings something different, but this semester has been one of my most memorable. The experiences I had with my friends are …

Nursetalk: Deciphering Nurse Conversations

Do you have a nursing major roomie, or have friends who are nursing majors and you can’t seem to understand what they’re talking about? This the is blogpost for you. As a nursing major, I find myself using jargon that no one understands but nurses (and other healthcare professionals). At times, I feel bad because …