Sponsored Research and Programs

Stephen Remillard receives new Department of Energy award

Stephen Remillard of our Physics Department was the recent recipient of a $142,902 grant from the Department of Energy for the project titled Generating and sustaining microplasma with microwaves.  This is a three year project that will run through 31 July 2021.

This project will engage undergraduate students in leading edge microplasma science.  Undergraduate students will assume leadership roles in the project, developing technical expertise to design experiments, contribute to peer-reviewed publications and other technical reports, and present results at conferences.  Not only will this project support the development of the next generation of scientists and educators, but also will support research which will lead to advances in the use of microplasma for commercial and biomedical purposes.

With this latest award, Dr. Remillard has been awarded over $1 million in external funding during his career at Hope College.  Congratulations, Dr. Remillard, on your accomplishment and your commitment to undergraduate research and mentoring!

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