Sponsored Research and Programs

Interested in topics related to global health?

Are your research, scholarship, and/or teaching activities linked to global health or global health-related topics (i.e., food security, water access or filtration, etc.)?  If so, please consider joining us for a Collaborative Opportunity Gathering (COG) on Tuesday 6 November 2018 at 11 am in Martha Miller 237.

 This event will serve two purposes.  First, it will serve as an opportunity to learn about and catalog the global health work already occurring on our campus.  Second, this information will be used to better connect Hope faculty and staff to resources to support their global health-related efforts, including funding opportunities, potential partnerships, and coordinated efforts with institutional partners such as the Great Lakes Colleges Association (GLCA).

 How will this event be structured?

Participating faculty and staff will be provided two to four minutes to provide an overview of their research, scholarship, and/or teaching activities linked to global health to attendees.  Each presenter will be provided a PowerPoint template for visual images or text.  As time allows, participants will be permitted to ask presenters questions about their work.  At the conclusion, we will highlight general themes uncovered and follow-up with participating faculty and staff about next step(s).

 Who may participate?

Any faculty or staff member is welcome to present and attend.  The only eligibility requirement for this COG is that the presentation must focus on a global health topic.

 Is registration required?

Yes, advanced registration is required.  Registration is limited and will be completed on a first-come, first serve basis.  Light refreshments will be served.


Feel free to contact Dede Johnston, Interim Associate Dean of Global Education (johnston@hope.edu), or Ron Fleischmann, Director of Sponsored Research and Programs (fleischmann@hope.edu).

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday 6 November 2018!

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