Sponsored Research and Programs

Interested in NEH fellowships and grants?

Join us on Thursday 29 November 2018 at 3 pm in the Fried/Hemenway Auditorium for a Panel Discussion on National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) fellowships and grants.  (Please note the date change.)

The session is intended to provide an overview of the various programs offered by the NEH, how to construct a competitive application, and how submissions are reviewed by the agency.

The panelists are:

What topics will this discussion cover?

Will time be provided for audience questions?

Yes!  Please come prepared to ask the panelists anything you want to know about the NEH and its programs.

How are the ‘humanities’ defined for purposes of the NEH?

NEH defines the ‘humanities’ as the study and interpretation of “language, both modern and classical; linguistics; literature; history; jurisprudence; philosophy; archaeology; comparative religion; ethics; the history, criticism and theory of the arts; those aspects of social sciences which have humanistic content and employ humanistic methods; and the study and application of the humanities to the human environment with particular attention to reflecting our diverse heritage, traditions, and history and to the relevance of the humanities to the current conditions of national life.”

Do I need to RSVP to attend?

Yes, we respectfully request interested attendees RSVP for the event.  The RSVP form will be available through Monday 26 November 2018.


Feel free to contact Ron Fleischmann (fleischmann@hope.edu).

We look forward to seeing you at the event!

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