Sponsored Research and Programs

Hope College has a 7/5 business day requirement for proposal submissions

The completed proposal is due to the Office of Sponsored Research and Programs (OSRP; sponsoredresearch@hope.edu) seven business (7) days before the sponsor deadline. The Principal Investigator (PI) has five (5) of these seven business days to finalize the scientific and/or programmatic components of the application.  

“Proposal” is defined as an application to an external sponsor that will commit the college to a project if funded. Proposals typically include a full description of the research project and a detailed budget and require the certification of an authorized official who has the authority to commit the institution to the project.  Letters of inquiry, letters of intent, pre-proposals, and other types of preliminary submissions that do not require the submission of a line-item budget or the approval of an authorized official are NOT subject to this requirement. 

In order to allow Principal Investigators additional time for a final read‐through and last minute minor editing, including corrections or updates to proposals, the seven-day requirement is amended as follows:

  1. Use the Early Notification Form to communicate your grant-seeking plans to your dean(s) and department chair(s). This will help in the process of confirming cost-share and/or course-release commitments, and complete all sponsor-related institutional and investigator assurances.
  2. Complete proposals are due to OSRP seven days before the sponsor’s deadline. 
  3. PIs will have until Day 5 of the 7-business day period prior to the sponsor’s due date to replace a draft version of technical/science documents with the corresponding final version with OSRP. Before the end of business on Day 5, the Director of OSRP will confirm the final version of the proposal with the PI.
  4. The final version of a proposal will be submitted by OSRP in advance of a sponsor’s due date whenever possible to ensure it is successfully received by the sponsor.        

If a PI will not be able to meet the 7/5 business day requirement, they must request an exemption to this requirement from their department chair and dean.

Questions? Feel free to contact Ron Fleischmann, Director of Sponsored Research and Programs (fleischmann@hope.edu, x 7316).

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