Sponsored Research and Programs

Gina Kling awarded MAA – Neff Outreach Fund grant

Dr. Gina Kling, Assistant Professor of Mathematics, was awarded a $6,000 grant from the Mathematical Association of America (MAA) – Neff Outreach Fund. Dr. Kling’s project, Hope College Family Math Festivals: Building Positive Mathematical Dispositions for K-8 Students and their Caregivers, includes two community Family Math Nights, inclusive of activities, games and a welcome environment. The events aim to provide high-quality, fun mathematical experiences and opportunities for students and their families to experience the joy, playfulness and curiosity high-quality mathematics can stimulate.

The John and Mary Neff Foundation provides funding to support projects designed to encourage students to study and persist in their interest in mathematics. Through their partnership with MAA, MAA strives to offer faculty support for math education projects to elementary, middle school, high school and early college students to promote further study in mathematic education.

Congratulations and well done, Gina!

#MAAGrants #MAA #NeffOutreachFund

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