Sponsored Research and Programs

CASA and Step Up awarded United Way grant

Kate Lozon, Director of CASA and Step Up, was successful in receiving a $6,970 award from United Way for CASA and Step Up educational outreach programming. CASA and Step Up are after-school educational programs that provide academic assistance for underrepresented elementary and middle school students in the greater Holland area. Reaching between 100-130 students annually, the programs have close connections to local schools and Hope College, and work with schools and parents to strengthen the success of children.

Heart of West Michigan United Way (HWMUW), the award sponsor, is deeply rooted in local communities and invests in understanding the complex needs of people in need. Through partnerships with a diverse network of local agencies and by collaborating with the local business community, HWMUW works to improve educational outcomes, address food insecurity, enable housing solutions, and support job training simultaneously.

Congratulations Kate and the CASA / Step Up teams on your award!

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