SEED Program

Sports Camp – Day 1

Hi everyone! Today was such a fun and busy day. We started with breakfast, where we had the same delicious meal as yesterday and shared stories amongst our team. Then, we began to set up for our sports camp that we were leading on base today. After that, the kids from the local communities began to check-in and we had some free time to play a few different games. After check-in, we went into worship. Coach V led a devotional and we sang a few songs with high energy and so much joy. Then, the kids participated in 6 different stations where we worked on skills for certain sports. For lunch we ate rice and beans and got to have great conversations with the campers. Following lunch, we divided into four different groups and played kickball, netball, volleyball, and flag football. When the games ended, the men on our team did water filter demonstrations. They had the chance to walk some of the male campers home and set up water filters for their families while sharing the Gospel. It was an amazing experience for all. The female campers are sleeping over at Poetice tonight! The girls made friendship bracelets, painted nails, and the campers showed us countless dances, songs, and chants. For dinner, we had nshima, which is the national dish of Zambia! After dinner, the boys on our team went to John and Abby’s house and spent time in fellowship together. The girls continued their various games and activities well into the night. Once our team was reunited again, we had a short debrief of our days before heading to bed. We are thrilled to invite the campers back tomorrow for another day of fun!

Until tomorrow,

Greta R. and Conner

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