SEED Program

Farewell Zambia 8/15/2022

By Ted Lockett, Cayley Ebeling, & Sydney Randall

For our last full day in Zambia we started our morning with breakfast at 5:00am with our bags all packed up and ready to travel to Livingstone. After many fun interview questions in the back of the bus and some sleep, we finally arrived to start our day. We first went on a game drive where we got to see many magnificent animals including hippos, baboons, elephants, and zebras. This lasted for about 3 hours and was a highlight to many as we all were eagerly waiting to see some animals native to Africa.

Next, we stopped and had lunch as a team before we headed to one of the seven wonders of the world: Victoria Falls. A fun fact about the falls is that it’s the longest waterfall in the world. We had the opportunity to hike from the top of the falls all the way to the bottom while capturing many breathtaking views. This was another team favorite as some of us even swam in the falls. Both the game drive and Victoria Falls were a great reminder of God’s beautiful creations in this world!

After the Falls, we headed into the market to buy some souvenirs for all our family and friends. It was a much different experience than we had envisioned because of the bartering and negotiating that took place, however it was a fun and exciting. We then headed to a nice dinner and gelato as a team. Many members tried new dishes at the restaurant including crocodile and a unique fried fish called Bream.

We wrapped up the night by debriefing at the hostel followed by a Euchre tournament. We are ready to take on the long flights home and would appreciate prayers for safe travel and some much-needed sleep after a busy week.

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